Thursday, September 15, 2005

well well about last minute changes for the Wonderland trip. I got a call from Wonderland today telling me that the promoter for the concerts just backed out 30mins before they called. So no more concerts! This after I had just gotten through calling a ton of youth to confirm that they were coming etc. So now what you may ask? Well, that's a good an answer? let me know.
Actually tomorrow I will be calling Wonderland and hopefully they will have more info for me. Hopefully we get a full refund and some really cheap tickets so that we can still go. It all just means a lot of extra work for me, but such is life. so...lots of phoning tomorrow...Wonderland and 50+ youth. Oh, how I love of my absolute favorite things.


Blogger don said...

Holy Cow say it isnt true! I dont envy your position right now.
What a nightmare! Deb and I were going for the concert, not for Wonderland. So would I be jeopardizing the trip for others If I back out? Were you counting on me to be a leader? I am not really prepared to spend the $110.00+. I had rationalized the expenditure for a chance to see Reliant K. Please let us know how things progress. I dont want to be a KillJoy, then again maybe it means we wont have to eat Kraft dinner all next week.
Keep the smile on your face and hang in there. This is not your fault.

4:02 AM  

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