Monday, September 12, 2005

Today (Monday) was my "day off". Spent sometime to just relax. I wanted to get all the labels done for sending off Sonlife letters. So I organized that and then Pam was kind enough to set that up for me on the computer. I went and bought a Djembe today. I was gonna see if the church would pay for one...and we had talked about that. But I decided to buy one myself, and I'll just let whoever use it who needs to. I didn't really have a lot of money for it. But it's gonna be "God's Djembe" so to speak, I'm sure it'll come in very handy this year and throughout my life. Josh loves the Djembe already. (Sorry Paul and Pam, it might get noisy here when Josh has his hands on it) Anyways...thanks to everyone who prayed for my preaching on Sunday, and who prays for me on a regular basis.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well it's times like these that make me wish that i knew what a...djembe or whatever was. is it like a conga or something?

5:51 PM  
Blogger The Benners said...

Welcome to your "day off" - it's gonna be like that for the rest of your life:) Better marry an understanding wife :) By the way, any progress on that?...I'm glad God is putting you to work! You're in our prayers! Love you!

9:53 AM  
Blogger Jacob2-2 said...


There is no way you are paying for the Djembe. We have money in the budget for instruments. Please submit your receipt to Paul. If you want to take it with you at the end, we can discuss you buying back from EVAC as a used Djembe.

3:43 PM  

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