Monday, November 28, 2005

God is doing amazing things here among the youth!! And the great thing is that he is doing it through the youth!! Students have started a prayer meeting in the cafeteria at the school at 8:30am Mondays and Fridays. This is something I talked to a couple students about, but I did not start it, and I am not the one running it. In fact last Friday was the first time I was able to be there, and since Mondays are my day off, Fridays will usually be the only days I'm there.

So, the point is, this isn't me starting some program and running some program but this is something that some students have totally taken on themselves and run with! Last Friday when I was there I was able to talk to a bunch of students from the highschool that have never been to youth. A couple of them joined our group that morning (one of them actually praying out loud for the wrestling tourny at the school!!). Today I got an email telling me that a new girl joined the group today because she had seen them praying and has been wanting something like this! Students are watching their peers pray....they are asking questions...they are curious....some are rude....but they are noticing, they are seeing Christ's love in these students.....God is at work and it's amazing to see, and it's amazing to wait in expectation to see what He is going to do next...Come Lord Jesus, use these students...change lives, change this school, this community...this church...don't let us be lukewarm and spewed out of your mouth, but let us be Fresh Fire in this world...a people that honour you, and glorify you.
"The truth of the matter is that the devil is not terribly frightened by our human efforts and credentials. But he knows his kingdom will be damaged when we lift up our heart to God." (Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire)


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