Thursday, May 25, 2006

Amazing God Stuff

God continues to blow me away.
I have been helping with the Sr High youth here in Chatham. They have asked me to do most of the speaking. I am currently doing a 3 part series. Week 1 was last week-"A Radical View of God", tonite was week 2 -"A Radical View of You" and Week 3 will be -"A Radical View of others"
Tonite in preparation I was spending some time in prayer about what God wanted me to say, and just praying for the kids who would be there, and trying my best to listen for what God was saying. Well I really felt God wanted me to pray for a couple new people to come out. So I said "Ok God, If you would bring at least 2 new people who aren't Christians tonite that would be awesome!" (which is something else for Chatham which is often JUST church kids at youth)
So as 7pm rolls around I am at the church watching people come in, and sure enough one of the girls brought 2 of her friends from school!!!!
Tonite I talked about how "the chief end of man is toe glorify God..." I start with how amazingly we were created by God, and then moved on through 'the Fall' and how we were all 'dead in our sins' with no way to get back to God....This of course leading to 'the Cross' and the sacrifice of Christ and how we can all be made 'alive through Christ'.....And how it's only by Christ in us that we can glorify God.
anyways.....the point of all this the end of the talk I gave opportunity for people to come to Christ if they had never done so, and two people decided to give their lives to Christ tonite!!! (along with 7 christian youth who said they need to 'get back to the cross' and want to live a life that truely glorifies God.

i asked God to bring two non-Christians, and I left praising God for two new additions to the Kingdom!! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Line of Credit Update!

About $1640 used, which leaves me about $4460 remaining. That should be enough spending money for the summer! Gonna have to get another Line of Credit in the fall for tuition though. Gotta love free money......(yes Jen, I know, it's not actually free) but hey for the time being it feels like it!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

It's been nice to be working, instead of just sitting at home all day. I have been working for Brian's dad doing renovations on a house that he owns. It's a great job because I pretty much set my own hours, and I get to work on a house, and do all kinds of different work on it. Should keep it a little more interesting throughout the summer....better than being a garbage man, that's for sure!

on the weekend I was in Muskoka for the quiz meet. I went up with Chatham, but was there to coach my team fro Erin. It was a great weekend! I love it up there! and it was great to see a lot of people from Erin again.

the next few weeks in Chatham I am doing a little mini series at Sr High youth. I think I'm going to do it on -3 Radical "Views"--Of God, Of yourself, Of others. I am doing the first one tomorrow. Hopefully it all comes together tonite.....It's great to be invovled in ministry still here! For those who don't know, in the fall when I go to Calgary for school I will be working part-time at First Alliance with Dallas in their Sr. High ministry! It's gonna be great to work with Dallas!

For you hockey fans out there (and those who doubt that Crosby is as good as everyone thinks) He has 13 points in 7 games so far at the Worlds.....that's 4 more points than the second closest person, except for his linemate Bergeron. pretty good for an 18 year old kid----my vote is still Crosby for Calder.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I love my Line of Credit

So it's been perhaps the most uneventful week and a half of my life. It's a weird feeling to go from constant ministry and busy life to constant nothing....and constant apathy on my part to be honest. I've put out some resumes...I am really really hoping to get in at Value Village....actually no I'm not...but I did apply there cuz they had a sign that said "NOW HIRING--Flexible hours, and GREAT benefits"----I am really curious as to what "great benefits they have"....My best guess is first dibs on the boxes of used clothes.

Anyways right now I am working on my chip shot in my back yard and living off of my line of Credit....gotta love free money!! What a way to live.....I actually really would love to be above $0 this summer...that'd be a nice hopefully a job comes along sometime...

This weekend I will be in Muskoka.....I hear that i am speaking on Saturday morning....hmm, better get motivated and get something ready....

PS-Have I said I love my line of Credit? ---though, my wonderful mother isn't quite as fond of it.....she keeps mentioning something about having to pay it back......a concept I just prefer not to think about until I have a way of making that happen.....

Monday, May 01, 2006

Return to Chatham

I know I haven't been posting a whole lot anymore. But I will still try to fairly regularly.

My internship is officially over in Erin. I will never forget my time in Erin. I have been blessed so much by the people at EVAC. Returning to Chatham is a bit of a bittersweet experience. I already miss being in Erin so much. It's nice to be in my own bed and home and stuff like that, but I am at a little bit of a loss as to what to do with myself. My time in Erin has confirmed one thing....Ministry is where I want to be for the rest of my life. As tough as it is at times (and I'm sure I've experience nothing yet) I know God has a call on my life, and I can't wait to see what He has in store in the future.

The Wonder of the Cross
Oh that I may experience the Freedom it brings
and worship at Your feet
At the foot of Your throne may I stay
And when I fall may I return
to that place to find mercy and grace
And when I am lifted up
May I find myself stronger than ever
Forever in Your presence may I be
And when I feel I cannot go on
May I be lifted by Your strong arm
And when I faint and grow tired
May I rest in the palm of Your hand
Oh to gaze at Your face, and be consumed
So I am none but Yours, and forever more shall be
Your love, Your might
Manifest Yourself in me